Caitlin Troughton
Earlier this week, Data Scientist and YouTuber Ashleigh Faith sat down (virtually) with co-founder Gregory Saumier-Finch to talk all things Artsdata. Their conversation ranged from Artsdata as a community resource for the arts sector to data modelling, data reuse and equitable search. Best of all, they spoke about semantic technology in a way that we can all understand.
So, if you would like to know what Artsdata is all about from the perspective of knowledge graph experts, this is the video for you!
Metadata, Digital Mimesis, and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
In a series of articles I’ve touched on how discoverability is [...]
Cultural Sovereignty in the Digital Age: Are We Ready for This Moment?
“We’re at a critical inflection point where the digital economy, [...]
Discoverability as an Act of Agency
For the last ten years, I’ve been thinking about discoverability [...]